Monday 25 August 2014

Eyelash tinting - is it worth it?

Having light lashes, I have always been envious of those who naturally have dark lashes. I am going to have permanent eyeliner done again this weekend (I will put a post up for that too!) so I decided to get my lashes tinted as I won't be able to wear mascara for a while after that!

I wasn't too sure what to expect, but after image searching before and after photos I was hoping to have quite dramatic change.

I arrived at my appointment eager to get started. I lay down on the bed, had some sort  of cream applied to both eyes, got a piece of cotton under each eye, and finally the dye was applied. Then the wait began. At first it was ok and I felt like I might have a little nap, but after a short while my eyes started tingling a little. I tried to forget the images of women with swollen eyes that I had seen while image searching earlier, but as the tingling started to become stronger, I was seriously worried!

From the little research I had done before this, most salons had said to do a test patch 24 hours before to make sure there was no allergic reaction, but I thought that was being over-cautious and as I had dyed my hair in the past with no problem, I reckoned it was unnecessary. But lying on that bed with my eyes squeezed shut, feeling my skin and eyes burning, I started thinking that maybe a test patch would have been a good idea!

After what felt like forever (but was probably only 10-15 minutes), the beautician came back into the room and started to clean off the dye. A little of the water got into my eyes and I had to sit up so she could continue to clean it up without getting it in my eye. Finally I was able to open my eyes without burning and I was so excited to see the results! She gave me the mirror and I looked at my eyes, expecting to see lashes that seemed longer and thicker. Instead what I saw were eyes that looked a bit puffy, and lashes that seemed almost exactly the same as when I walked in.

I was quite disappointed with the results, my lashes didn't look anything like some of the before and after photos that I had seen on the internet. They are darker, but don't seem longer and thicker. I still feel the need to wear mascara, and the whole point was that I didn't have to wear mascara after I get my permanent eyeliner. Maybe I was just hoping for a miracle, but at least the whole process only cost about R50 so I didn't feel too put out! And my lashes do look slightly better than before.

Here are the before and after shots:

Would I do it again? Probably not, as I love wearing mascara so there is no need really. I have heard about a semi-permanent mascara though that is applied similarly to tinting, but I have yet to find a salon near me that does it! I would try that for sure because who doesn't want to wake up looking "naturally" beautiful?!

 As I mentioned, I am going to get semi-permanent eyeliner done again this weekend, so I am nervous and excited for that! I had it done earlier this year (you can see in these photos what that looks like) but now I want it just a bit thicker, especially on the bottom. I just hope it turns out ok!

Have you ever had a beauty treatment that didn't turn out how you expected? I would love to know! Leave a comment with your experiences :)