Tuesday 14 October 2014

One Lovely Blog Nomination

I was delighted to be nominated by Candice from Beauty Candy Loves for the One Lovely Blog award. Candice's blog is awesome, with lots of reviews, tips and tricks and lifestyle posts. Thank you Candice for the nomination, and the opportunity for people to get to know me a bit better :)

I am pretty new to this whole blogging thing and cannot believe how supportive and helpful my fellow bloggers are. I have made some real friends and feel blessed to have such bright, positive people in my life :) I love to have a space where I can join my two passions, writing and beauty, and express myself.

Now back to the nomination! Here are the rules:

1. Take time to thank the person who nominated you. Also use the award logo.
2. List 7 facts about yourself.
3. Nominate other awesome bloggers who you would like to get to know better, and follow the person who nominated you.

Want to get to know some personal, intimate details about myself? What a stalker ;)

1. My official name is Karen, but everyone calls me Karley, including my family. In fact I don't even respond to Karen anymore if someone calls me that because it's so unfamiliar to me!

2. My absolute favourite food (even though it will probably send me swiftly into an early grave!) is bacon. I love bacon-flavoured anything, but nothing beats plain crispy bacon fresh from the oven *drools*

3. I suffer from anxiety, especially on a plane or in crowds. I am learning to deal with it through coping mechanisms as opposed to medication as I don't like the idea of being drugged up, although to get me on a plane I have to be just about comatose!

4. As I love all things scary and spooky, Halloween is my second favourite holiday, so I am super busy preparing for it, and have been for months! I will hopefully be doing some makeup tutorials, if I get the time.

5. My dream car is a Fiat 500. Not the convertible though, because I have fair skin that burns just thinking of being in direct sunlight. If you are wanting to get me a gift, I would kill for one in Funk White, Chillout Purple, Cappucino Cream or Epic Blue.

6. Greenday is my favourite band. I love them so much that Last Night On Earth was our first dance song at our wedding. 

7. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and heard a rumour that there might be more Harry Potter books coming out *such excite*

Now for the nominations:
Lizna - Pieces in Pink (You were nominated already but it's nice to have two nominations :))
Gillian - A Daft Scots Lass

Hope you enjoyed reading all about me - I look forward to learning more about you!