Wednesday 15 October 2014

Vaseline Eyelash Challenge

I think it is most of our dreams to have long, thick, luscious lashes, so when I saw a post on Pinterest about using Vaseline to achieve this, I thought I had to give it a shot!

I will be doing weekly photos of my lashes, and we can all be the judge of how well it works. I am slightly hesitant, after all if all we need is humble Vaseline to make our lashes look lovely, surely we all would be doing it?! But the theory behind it is that the Vaseline moisturises your lashes while you sleep, which reduces the chances of breakages and lashes falling out, and strengthens them, allowing the lashes to grow longer and thicker. To me this makes some sense as I currently don't really do anything to my lashes besides slap on some mascara and sometimes try pull off the mascara with my fingernails (a massive no-no!) while I watch TV.

So this is day 1 just after applying the Vaseline:

I just used my finger to smoosh it on, but after that I cleaned an old mascara wand that I had lying about and applied more with that. The smooshing technique was easier, but I think the mascara wand technique gives you better coverage over each lash. I think I'm going to use a combo technique in future!

So now we just wait and see how it goes. Some bloggers have said that they had success just one week in, but I will reserve my final judgement until 4 weeks in.

Have you tried any weird beauty tricks that you found on the internet? Did anything work? I would love to hear from you guys, leave me a comment below :)