Thursday 23 October 2014

Vaseline Eyelash Challenge: Week 1

So it has been just over a week of my Vaseline Eyelash Challenge, and I have been diligently applying this wonderful petroleum jelly nightly to my lashes in the hopes that it makes them long and thick.

I honestly have not noticed a difference at all, but in all fairness it has only been one week. I did miss out on doing it on Saturday night because I got home late from a dinner party and didn't even have the energy to even take off my mascara, let alone vaseline my lashes, but I don't think that would have had any effect on the outcome!

Here is a pic of my lashes now:
My, what big pores you have!

In case you can't remember my post from last week, here is a side-by-side:

I think this is the sort of challenge where you have to wait the full 4 weeks before you see any changes. Besides the massive lighting differences, I actually think my lashes look shorter! But I will reserve my judgement until after the 4 weeks have passed.

Have you tried using Vaseline to make your lashes more luscious? Let me know if you think this is a huge hit or a whopping waste of time :)